Sunday, July 7, 2013

Paper, Stamps, Ribbons and Meth...The Secret to Stamping Success

I honestly have no idea what happened. One moment, I'm creating original cards like I'm a Hallmark on Adderall. There was no challenge too great to field, and no child too favored  to toss out of the craft room. I actually felt I was on my way to being a REAL Papercraft Goddess...not just a sarcastic blog title because I couldn't figure out another clever use for the word 'ink'. Well, there was the 'inking along' blog I started. Then, feeling it was too vague, changed it to my name and followed it with 'tINKers'. But even I couldn't feel good about going to a blog that read

The point is, I was a madwoman. But each day saw me a little more confident and competent. It was a great feeling, while it lasted.

But then IT came into our lives.

IT stripped me of my earned (albeit slightly delusional) CARDMAKING BIRTHRIGHT legacy and left 80 wt cardstock tasting like ashes in my mouth and saw my Copics reduced to one kid's need for more color variety on his Iron Man Velvet Art endeavor.

When IT opened, we all fell victim. Thus, my absence and subsequent loss of drive, determination and...wait...I think there's another 'D' word but am too drained to dwell on it. DAMN you, had to take my words, too!

IT happens to be the club pool. That's right...the pool. The entity that calls to my children day and night. "I know you hate me," it whispers in my ear, "I know you despise having to run around in a bathing skirt instead of bathing suit, but if you DON'T bring your children to me, they'll run wild in the house and you'll have to entertain them." 

Needless to say, the pool wins.

On a side note, (which is just really a nice way to say my brain veered off in some weird direction and I want you to think I'm merely making some profound connection) the fact we belong to a club is hilarious. Friends are already making bets as to how long it'll be before my hellions get us thrown out. I'm in at 2 months and 17 days. I wasn't allowed to bet so I used a shill. Hey...mama's gonna need the cash to put all three in a daycare if this fails.

But...back to my cardmaking dilemma. The really sad thing about all of this is that I intended to put up two cards I made before going to Austin, TX for the weekend of the 4th. I genuinely felt I couldn't create anything. So, I CASEd several. CASE is an acronym for 'Copy And Share Everything'. The word Share becomes Steal if you don't link to the other person's card. So, to shorten my Confession this week, here's the link for 'bird' and the other for 'tree' and THIS ONE. Gorgeous cards, ladies, and I hope I CASEd them in a way that reflects well upon you. As to me, I'll work on getting that drive back and perhaps figure out things I can do AT the pool which will help me return to the glorious days of my cardmaking, when ideas fell like raindrops and my skill grew with each passing moment.

In short, I just need to find out if strapping a couple of floaties to the kids and leaving them at the pool from 8-5 is okay by Dept. of Child Services Nazis. You never know...they're just so strict about everybody having to raise their on kids! So much for that 'it takes a Village' crap.

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