Thursday, July 31, 2014

Put a map on it-Ways to use it challenge at SCS

The part that took the longest was trying to remember the name of the item I wanted to model my card after! When I was little, my dad had this gorgeous mantelpiece made of dark cherry wood which housed 3 gauges. One was a barometer, temperature and a latitude/longitude. I remember all the gauges as having map faces and being housed in the gorgeous, shining gold. It was one of my favorite pieces in the house. When I saw the challenge was to put a map on it, this was the first thing that popped in my head! By the way...this would be called a 'weather station' or 'Magellan Mantelpiece'. After that search, the rest was a piece of cake. I punched the gold, texture dp with my 2.5 inch punch and the maps with the 2-1/4 one. I colored the SU! spinners and brad with gold mixative alcohol ink and put a thin strip of the gold DP a the top and bottom. Some mounting tape under the circles and-oh-I also sponged the cherry wood with Vintage Photo. I didn't put anything on the front because I never know if I'll use it as a birthday or other type of card, but I probably won't put anything on the front anyway! I like the way it looks.

I'm glad everything came together with this because
I didn't sit down to start on it until almost 5pm. I'd spent the last 4 hours cleaning out my teenage son's room. While he's on some 'Leadership Retreat' with his Jr. ROTC group, his MOTHER is sweeping out food and candy contraband, strangling on the combined dust and general teenage boy smell and tossing papers and progress reports that didn't seem to make it from school and into my hands, as was the intended sequence.

I hauled out cords to electronics I didn't know existed, underwear that fit him 3 years ago that were stuffed under the bed and shirts that STILL HAD TAGS ON THEM.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted. Not to mention just a little, tiny bit perturbed. Only a little, though. Despite all that, I'm still glad he's gone on the trip because, no matter what....

...he's got to come home, eventually. (evil grin)

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